Be Unselfish! Build Thriving Future For All
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 Unselfish Thoughts!

[New Thoughts Frequently]

First step is to get everybody to be unselfish.

You see the words Thrive! and Be Unselfish all around the Thrive! Center and Park. Having spent 30 years in Washington DC getting people healthy on a national level, I decided that getting people healthy is not enough. Need food, shelter, education and environment.
That is when Thrive! was born. Then Be Unselfish was born. We need to prevent a bad future. We need a thriving future for all people, all creatures and Earth.
First step is to get everybody to be unselfish. That alone will change the future from bad to good. To thriving future.
That is what I do through social media, websites, books, sculpture and Thrive! Park and Center.


What would cause billions who are not unselfish to change to be unselfish?
Change so that humans need each other to survive.
Change so that humans want each other to survive and thrive.
Change so that humans no longer need things that belong to other human beings unless shared or fair exchange. Change so that humans no longer desire things that belong to other human beings unless shared or fair exchange.

