Be Unselfish! Build Thriving Future For All
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Be Unselfish!

Being Unselfish Is Path to Thriving Future for All 

Learn How to Survive & Thrive While Being Unselfish


Unselfish Thoughts!

[New Thoughts Frequently]

What would cause billions who are not unselfish to change to be unselfish?
Change so that humans need each other to survive.
Change so that humans want each other to survive and thrive.
Change so that humans no longer need things that belong to other human beings unless shared or fair exchange. Change so that humans no longer desire things that belong to other human beings unless shared or fair exchange.

 Build Thriving Future For All

How do we achieve an unselfish world and a thriving future for all? Unfortunately, too few of us want to be unselfish and to survive and thrive. Too many of us want to be selfish & only themselves to survive & thrive. That must change. Much work is needed.

Building thriving future for all requires that all of us want to & try to a) be unselfish and b) survive and thrive. Want not to and try not to a) be selfish and b) cause early extinction for humans and other creatures and cause great damage to Earth. Much work is needed to fully achieve being unselfish and a surviving and thriving future.

Building thriving future for all requires that all of us have ability to a) be unselfish and b) survive and thrive. Have ability to not a) be selfish and b) cause early extinction for humans and other creatures and cause great damage to Earth. Together, we have that ability. But individually, each person, community and country needs to develop and use that ability much better for us to achieve a surviving and thriving future.


 Be Unselfish!

Being unselfish is path to thriving future for all.

We all must be unselfish if we want a surviving and thriving future for all. We all must unselfish ourselves and other humans. We all must stop being selfish if we want to avoid early extinction for humans and other creatures and avoid greater damage to Earth.

The current human path is to early extinction for humans and many other creatures. Even greater damage to Earth.

But the thriving path still exists, barely, to build a thriving future for all if and only if we act now. Be unselfish!

We still have the ability. But do we have the will?

How to Survive and Thrive While Being Unselfish

Being Unselfish Is Path to Thriving Future For All!

This website and the accompanying book, Unselfish!, try to help all people and all communities learn how to survive and thrive while being unselfish.

You should survive and thrive while being unselfish.  

Being unselfish is path to thriving future for all.

Thrive! is a way together to change our behavior and change our future to a much better surviving and thriving future.  


New “Be Unselfish - Thriving Future for All” Video

Video lays out how our being unselfish or selfish will determine our future.

The endangered future that results from our being selfish. A future to avoid.

A thriving future for all that results from our being unselfish. Our best future.

New Nonfiction Book: Be Unselfish!

How to Survive and Thrive While Being Unselfish.

We all must be unselfish if we want a surviving and thriving future for all. We all must unselfish ourselves and other humans. We all must stop being selfish if we want to avoid early extinction for humans and other creatures and avoid greater damage to Earth. Available via as paperback and eBook and as free download.


New Fiction Book: Being Unselfish!

Unselfish Path to Surviving and Thriving Future.

Science fiction novel about a future when selfishness gives way to unselfishness. Unselfish beings being unselfish in Unselfish communities. Unselfishness helps bring about surviving and thriving future for all.  Available via as paperback and eBook and as free download.

New Book: Stop Selfish

Stop Being Selfish, Shortsighted & Stupid

Thought piece challenging humans to stop being selfish. To stop being selfish, shortsighted and stupid as way to avoid early extinction and build thriving future for all. Available via as paperback and eBook and as free download.

Copyright 2023-24                   Gary "Chris" Christopherson 
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